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Rosenthal - 60 Years studio-line: "Sixty&Twelve" Vase Collection

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Rosenthal - 60 Years studio-line: "Sixty&Twelve" Vase Collection

To mark the 60th anniversary of studio-line, Rosenthal is launching 60 selected vases in twelve different colours that reflect future trends and at the same time represent a journey through Rosenthal's design history. The limited edition alternates between restrained shades of grey, pastel green and blue as well as intense berry tones with sonorous names such as Sea Salt, Tangerine, Mint and Abyss. Included in the illustrious birthday series are Rosenthal classics such as Plissée by Martin Freyer (1968), Pollo by Tapio Wirkkala (1970), Arcus by Marcello Morandini (1983), Conio by Michele De Lucchi (1994), Fast by Cédric Ragot (2006) and Fondale by Office for Product Design (2017). 

The shapes are as varied as the colours: they range from pure, architectural volumes to sumptuous, floral objects. The restrained tones of the palette correspond with the strictly geometric vase shapes, while the intense colours blend with the poetically playful objects. The vases are made of through-dyed porcelain mass.
What appears easy at first glance is technically demanding, even for Rosenthal. The porcelain mass produced according to the company's own recipe changes according to the addition of the coloured bodies, which in turn has an effect on the stability of the bodies before and after firing. To achieve the shape of the coloured vase as in the white original, each of the 60 vases had to be newly created. 

The sophistication of the Rosenthal studio line vases therefore lies in the expertise and manufacturing art of the Rosenthal craftsmen, who like alchemists create artistic objects from porcelain according to a secret recipe.




Barbara Stockinger-Torelli

Press contact Pr Manager +49 170 413 8510

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