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Categories: magic flute

Dazzling White: Stylish tableware ideas for an elegant wedding in white

Rosenthal - Suomi
The porcelain service “Suomi” created by the Finnish designer Timo Sarpaneva was celebrated as a milestone in the history of the Rosenthal Studio-Line. Its forms embody the Rosenthal standard for excellent design and the creation of lasting values and authenticity. The set’s body is reminiscent of a river pebble, worn down and rounded off over the centuries by the power of wat

Rosenthal - Magic Flute/Design: Bjørn Wiinblad

Die Zauberflöte/Design: Bjørn Wiinblad
„Zauberflöte“ („Magic Flute“) – An Opera in Porcelain - Music plays an important part in the life of the Danish artist and designer Björn Wiinblad. His creations are strongly influenced by his love of music. Time and again he is inspired by it not only in forms and pictures but also for complete stage settings for opera and ballet. Björn Wiinblad decided t

High Style: Baroque music and the great operas in porcelain

Good design is like music. And just as music, it fascinates and surprises, invites a discussion, but never leaves you indifferent. Porcelain is the ideal medium for this. As though from sheet notes, artists create the Rosenthal collections from a mixture of feldspar, quartz and kaolin and have been inspired by great works of music.
With the service "Magic Flute", Bjørn Wiinblad captures the fai

Rosenthal - Mini Vases

You can never have enough vases. When these vases feature outstandingly beautiful shapes, there are virtually no limits to a person's passion for collecting them. So it's good to know that Rosenthal's most popular vases are also available in miniature. These beautiful items are available in Surface, Flux, Plissée, Arcus, Falda, Ode, Geode, Squall, Fondale, Hot Spots, Fast, Tütenvase a