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Categories: zodiac plate

Courage and Renaissance: Rosenthal Zodiac Plate 2022

Energetic, proud and determined: as the third animal of the Chinese horoscope, the tiger is a strong-willed free spirit. For the Chinese New Year 2022, the Rosenthal Zodiac collection picks up on this dynamic star sign in a powerful design by the iShoni design studio. 
The font of golden yellow is adorned by two lithe tigers with a sharp gaze from green-blue eyes. Always on the move, people bor

Rosenthal - Year of the Rat Zodiac Plate/Design: iSHONi

Rosenthal Year of the Rat/Design: iSHONi
Curious, intelligent, careful: As the first animal in the Chinese zodiac, the rat is a true hedonist. With tremendous energy, it is able to fully embrace the kindness of fate in any situation. Once on the right path, this rodent will never let go of the golden key to happiness. As this year's zodiac plate from the design company iShoni shows, the rat is

Rosenthal - Year of the Pig zodiac plate / design: iSHONi

Rosenthal - Year of the Pig zodiac plate / design: iSHONi
The pig is the twelfth zodiac sign in the Chinese horoscope and signifies generosity, affection, intelligence and honesty. The pig is also an important symbol in Western culture as a good luck charm. Following on from the highly successful zodiac plate for the Year of the Dog, the iShoni design studio has designed a collection of service