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Categories: surface

Rosenthal - Mini Vases

You can never have enough vases. When these vases feature outstandingly beautiful shapes, there are virtually no limits to a person's passion for collecting them. So it's good to know that Rosenthal's most popular vases are also available in miniature. These beautiful items are available in Surface, Flux, Plissée, Arcus, Falda, Ode, Geode, Squall, Fondale, Hot Spots, Fast, Tütenvase a

Rosenthal - Surface

Rosenthal Surface/Design: Achim Haigis
Tantalizing, different, interesting. No matter how one turns and turns, it arises again and again an apparently new form. Even when empty, these vases are an eye-catcher. The porcelain collection surface consists of four vases of different sizes and a decorative shell.
The selected designs in the glass gift series “Surface” by the Berlin designer Achim